Credit Billing

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Atri Credit Billing application covers end to end tracking from corporate patient registration to dispatch of bills for particular organization/insurance companies.

Any returned bills are also tracked for each and every organization till bill payment from organization/insurance is complete.

Our Credit Billing application tracks every patient bill as follows:

  1. Registration as credit patient.
  2. Admission as credit patient.
  3. Billing based on agreed organization/insurance tariff.
  4. Verification of bills by Credit Billing department.
  5. Bills audit by Hospital Audit department.
  6. Bills dispatch to relevant organization/Insurance company.
  7. Tracking of returned bills with any query till re-submission.
  8. Bill payment by organization/Insurance, based on the submitted bill from Hospital.

Credit Billing Patient details


(The Price Mentioned here is indicative price only. Final Price depends on factors like size of the hospital, amount of customization required, No. of Locations etc.,)